Five Use Cases of AI in Website Development

Idea Usher
4 min readDec 16, 2021

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a growing trend in website development. More and more companies are turning to AI to help them develop their websites, dreaming of reaching new heights of success. Knowing how AI can transform your website development process is essential if you want to maximise its potential.

AI can help us create better websites faster. How? By providing deep insights into user — zww behaviour and producing innovative ideas that we hadn’t considered before.

The primary focus of AI has been on machine learning and deep learning. These are some fantastic technologies that can be used by any business to achieve their goals and take their business to the next level.

When it comes to website development, AI can be used for various things. It can be used to optimise user experience, personalise the UX of your website, add functionalities that were never possible with too many ads on its pages. It can even check where the site is hosted. These are just a few things that an artificial intelligence system can help with when you decide to use it in web development projects

AI in Website Development

1. Detecting The Screen Resolutions Of Web Users

Google’s Chrome web browser automatically adjusts the font size of text on a website based on how it detects a visitor is viewing it. For example, if someone uses a smartphone, the text on that site will be smaller.

Sometimes web designers don’t know how many visitors will be viewing their sites. They also have no idea about the type of devices the visitors are using. So they can’t optimise the layout for different screen resolutions.

This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in. Now, AI is taking over many of these decisions by helping to detect screen resolutions of web users and adjusting the layout accordingly.

It is made possible because developers use machine learning and artificial neural networks (ANNs) to create these intelligent programs. With these tools, they can set up systems that recognize patterns without having to program them explicitly.

2. Prediction Of Traffic

AI helps predict the number of website visitors to your page. It can also estimate which actions should be taken to increase the traffic on your page. AI analytics tools can analyse the past performance of your page and offer valuable recommendations for future changes.

3. Analysis Of Website Content

AI tools work by crawling websites and gathering information about their content and structure. They then use this data to predict how well a site will perform and estimate how much traffic it could draw. The programmers can use the information to improve the site’s structure or promote it more effectively. It can help companies gain insight into how best to reach their target audience and find ways to boost their sales.

4. Support Data Analysis

If you are running an online store, you know how important it is to keep track of your customers’ behaviour and preferences. Having an AI application that analyzes customer behaviour enables you to provide more personalised services and products, which boosts your sales and customer satisfaction.

An AI-powered application that analyses your customer behaviour will provide you insights. You will know which products are more popular among them and why they prefer those products over others. It will also give you insights into the people who visit your website but don’t buy anything. Thus, you can “close the loop” by providing them with custom offers and services that perfectly fit their needs.

5. Search Engine Optimization

Artificial intelligence is the future of search engine optimization. Google has already been making use of AI to improve search results and the developing trend is that the technology will be used more and more.

Being able to properly assess SEO value takes time and effort, but with AI, we are able to do it much better than it was possible with humans. For example, AI can be used to identify broken links on a website, look for duplicate content, find out whether a site has too many ads on its pages or check on where the site is hosted.

Last Words

Over the years, it has taken many different forms, including expert systems, natural language processing, and machine learning. Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly significant role in web development. Develoapers use it to improve user experience, design, and business processes. With Idea Usher, you can amplify your website by integrating various AI=powered solutions. Visit our website to know more.



Idea Usher

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